
Andrew Zacker

From barista to Frontend Developer in 5 months. I'm helping beginners to start a career in IT and developers to make more money.

You are not good enough for coding

Reader, you are not good enough to become a successful developer. That's what a lot of people think of themselves. Today I want to help you to become good enough and to fight the well-known "impostor syndrome". Why do you feel not good enough? Firstly, wanted to mention that it's okay to feel that you are not ready. Most beginners in all other different industries feel insecure when they are starting. Even when I started working as a barista, initially I wasn't confident in my coffee-making...

4 tips to pass any IT interview

Today, I'll share 4 controversial things that helped me to successfully pass dozens of technical interviews over the last 4 years. Reader, this is not another 'theoretical' thing from the internet, but ACTUAL advice, that I tried in practice and that worked well for me. 1. Be Hungry Tip number one is to show how hungry you are. And it doesn't mean that you shouldn't eat 24 hours before the interview 😅. You should show that you are hungry for work, building, and learning. You need to create a...

Use numbers to get a job in IT

Reader, this week you'll learn how to use numbers to learn how to code and get a job in IT even if you don't have a lot of experience. Let's get straight to the point, as always! Why knowing your numbers is important? You gonna say, Andrew, what are you talking about? What numbers and how will they help me to learn programming and get a job? Let me explain. By saying numbers, I mean statistics. During your studies and job search, you should know every single stat. Because success in...

Is it easy to find a job in IT?

Reader, have you ever wondered how easy it is to get a job in IT? It's easy and hard at the same time, and in this email, I'll explain why, and what you can do about it. Why getting a job is hard? I see a lot of people online who complain about how hard it is to get a job. And not just in IT. In marketing, sales, finances and so on. And I feel that because of TikTok and advancements in social media, we all forgot that it was ALWAYS HARD to get a job, and just started to compain about it now....

Do not build those projects as a developer

Reader, one of the best ways to learn and showcase your skills as a developer is through your projects. But a lot of people are stuck in 2018 and make wrong projects that present them in a bad way. So in this email, I want to mention projects that you SHOULD NOT build as a developer, and what you should build instead. What not to build? A long time ago the typical developer portfolio looked like this: TOOD App Netflix clone Movie App E-commerce Website Portfolio Website If you were a...

Should you still learn how to code?

Reader, you probably know that the IT industry has a bunch of benefits like a good salary, remote work, and interesting projects. But on the other hand, it has its own difficulties, like the current hard market situation. In this email, I'll help you to answer the question if you should keep learning programming. Determine your WHY The most successful people are driven by inner fire. You probably had that feeling, when at 3 am you read a motivational quote, and you feel super motivated to...

How to be a productive developer? - 🎉 1 year of newsletter

Reader, productivity is one of the most important qualities for every developer. If you use the right productivity approach, you can work faster (make more 💸 in less time), build side hustles and have enough time for your personal life. In this email, I'll break down 3 key things that help me to be a productive developer. 🎉 1 year of newsletter It's crazy, but it's been 1 whole year since I started this newsletter. HUGE THANKS to everyone who has been here since the beginning and to everyone...

How I use AI to be a 10x developer?

Some people say that AI will replace developers, and some people say that it's almost useless. I disagree with both. AI is an awesome tool, and everyone who won't learn how to use AI will be replaced soon. Reader, that's why in this email I'll share step-by-step instructions on how you can use AI to become a 10x developer. For the last year, I was trying various AI tools for coding, and I believe I found the best combination as of August 2024. Step 0: Do Not Use AI If you want to be actually...

How to ACTUALLY become a developer in 2024? (4 secrets)

Hey, Reader! Do you think it is possible to become a developer in 2024? It is 100% possible! It is not an easy journey to go through, but I do my best to make it easier for you with my content. This week we won't have a standard weekly email newsletter because I have a HUGE ANNOUNCEMENT! After hesitating for almost a year I finally decided to launch a YouTube channel! On this channel, I will be helping beginners to start in IT and developers to make more. When I do something, I take it...

Business or Programming?

We all want to make thousands of dollars, work from the beach, and explore the world. But most of the jobs, aren't allowing you to have that type of lifestyle. Reader, if your job isn't allowing you to live the life that you want to live, this email is for you. Problem So, if you aren't 100% satisfied with your job and you are an ambitious person you've probably started looking for potential solutions. (I highlighted the word "ambitious", because there are a lot of people who don't like their...

From barista to Frontend Developer in 5 months. I'm helping beginners to start a career in IT and developers to make more money.