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Andrew Zacker

Is it easy to find a job in IT?

Reader, have you ever wondered how easy it is to get a job in IT?

It's easy and hard at the same time, and in this email, I'll explain why, and what you can do about it.

Why getting a job is hard?

I see a lot of people online who complain about how hard it is to get a job.

And not just in IT.

In marketing, sales, finances and so on.

And I feel that because of TikTok and advancements in social media, we all forgot that it was ALWAYS HARD to get a job, and just started to compain about it now.

Even in 2020-2022 (gold years for the IT industry), it wasn't easy. My friend was looking for a job for 6 months.

When I landed my job, there were 100 candidates for that position, and only 2 of them got the job.

It gets even harder if your goal is not to get anything but to get a job in a specific company, or a specific high-paying role.

Because standing out around other candidates, just by sending a resume and having a 15-minute screening call is insanely hard.

You literally have to be a very talented person, with great self-selling skills to be able to stand out just with your resume or in a 15-minute phone call.

That's why the job search process for most people is so hard.

As you just keep sending resumes to dozens of companies and going through the same screening calls, while competing with hundreds of other candidates.

If that's the approach you are taking, it's indeed hard, because the only way to get a job, is to get lucky:

  • Apply at the right time, so the recruiter actually notices you
  • Have the right qualities for the role
  • Make a recruiter like you
  • Pass all technical interviews/tasks
  • Not be outshined by someone else (or by the recruiter's best friend who also applied)

But what if I'll say, that there is a way to significantly increase your chances to stand out, and be in the top 10% of candidates almost every time you apply?

Why getting a job is easy?

As we already defined, the main 'difficulty' in a job search is competition.

Because if you're the only person who applies for the job, the only way NOT to get a job is to fail the interview (and how not to fail it, I'll cover soon on my YouTube channel, but it's another topic).

So, to make a job search process easier, you just need to get rid of competition.

And the only way to do it is to do something different from what everyone else is doing.

The standard application process that everyone goes through:

  • You apply on the website
  • In 90% of cases, nobody ever calls you back
  • The companies that call you back, invite you for the first interview
  • If it's successful, they invite you for the second interview (in some cases you have more than 2 interviews, or have a test task)
  • If all interviews and test tasks are completed successfully, you will get an offer

Looks good, right?

The problem is that there are 100 more people who try to get the same position, which significantly decreases your chances.

But if you do something, that other people aren't doing, you'll already be able to stand out and get way further in the recruitment process:

  • Instead of applying via the website, apply by directly messaging the recruiter or coming physically into their office
  • Instead of just sending a resume, send a short self presentation video
  • Instead of just going to the interview, prepare a Google doc with how you see your cooperation, how can you help them, and why you believe you'll be the best fit for the position
  • Instead of just talking about your experience, do it in a form of storytelling, that will make people remember you better

This list goes on and on, and the only limitation here is your imagination.

But by doing just those couple of things, you'll already be in the top 10% of candidates. And in some cases in the top 1%.

Most people are lazy, and nobody bothers to do some extra reps, even when they really want that job.

Yes, it'll require some extra work and time from your side.

But people spend months to find a job, so I think 1-3 days of extra work, is worth the opportunity to get your dream job!

So instead of complaining about how hard it is, do whatever it takes to stand out, and you'll succeed!

Personal Updates

This week there are no YouTube video recommendations, as I'm publishing the video only tomorrow (or the day after tomorrow if editing gonna go wrong 😅), so subscribe! We going to talk about crucial interview mistakes there that every beginner makes.

But I have an exciting update regarding ZaCode (a coding learning application, where you can become a frontend developer in an interactive fun way that we have been building for the last 6 months).

We are launching very soon.

So I was focusing on optimising the page load and managed to improve SEO and performance for the landing from 20-40 to almost 100!

Also, I finally started filling out the first modules with content & games, and my plan is to finish the first 2 modules within the next couple of weeks:

And if you want to be the first one to know about the official launch, just click here, and I'll add you to the waitlist!

I'm so excited about it 🤞😊!

Thanks for your attention and time, hope it was helpful and see you next week!

Best regards,

Andrew "Shows how you can stand out" Zacker

Andrew Zacker

From barista to Frontend Developer in 5 months. I'm helping beginners to start a career in IT and developers to make more money.

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