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Andrew Zacker

Business or Programming?

We all want to make thousands of dollars, work from the beach, and explore the world.

But most of the jobs, aren't allowing you to have that type of lifestyle.

Reader, if your job isn't allowing you to live the life that you want to live, this email is for you.


So, if you aren't 100% satisfied with your job and you are an ambitious person you've probably started looking for potential solutions.

(I highlighted the word "ambitious", because there are a lot of people who don't like their situation but are not ready to do anything about it, and it's okay, it's their choice)

When you are looking for solutions most common choices are:

  • Some kind of online/remote job, like a job in programming
  • Creating your business

I tried both, and today will break it down for you.


Let's talk about the programming route first.

This is the job that will allow you to work remotely and make pretty good money.

Moreover, it won't require a huge investment upfront and the learning curve is very straightforward.

You invest in some course, follow the structure, build a portfolio, fight for jobs, and boom in 6-12 months you are a developer!

Moreover, it's a very stable source of income, while a business can bring you good profit one month, and bring huge losses another month.

Of course, it's not an easy thing to do, and it will take a couple of years of experience before you'll be able to make a lot of money with it, but then it's a pretty good career to have.

But it has its cons, so some people consider different opportunities, like business.


The best thing about business is that there are no limits there.

You can scale it to hundreds of thousands of dollars per month, and with just a job the maximum you can get is $10-20k, sometimes more if you go into more leading positions.

Moreover, with business, you decide when you work, and how you work.

And of course, it's a nice feeling to have your "own" business.

On the other hand, although business brings you freedom, sometimes it's just an illusion of freedom.

You usually work WAY MORE than you could have worked if you just had a job.

It takes years and some luck to grow it, and in 90% of cases, it fails.

And the path to success isn't that straightforward, compared to a programming career.

So, Business or Programming?

If you are an ambitious person, and your goal is infinite growth, I think the best route (that I took myself) is to COMBINE BOTH.

By having a job as a developer, you'll bring some stability into your life and will have some extra cash to fund your business in its initial stages.

By running a business, you'll be able to scale above the salary limits that you usually have on the job.

Moreover, with programming skills, you open yourself to so many online business opportunities.

You can open your own development agency, you can build your own website/application, teach others or create content.

So if you like programming, I recommend learning it first and only then starting the business.

Having a software developer salary will help you to pay the bills, and coding skills will help you to save so much money while building the business, as you'll be able to code a lot yourself.

Since I believe in both routes, I recently created a couple of new lectures for my academy that cover step-by-step instructions on how to create your own business with coding skills. If you want to learn more, you can book a call with my top consultant here, who will help you define a route to start your coding career & business.

Personal Updates

I'm working hard with my team to finish ZaCode (my coding learning application) by the end of this summer, and trying to build one new feature every weekend.

Also, last week added new functionality to my academy platform that will allow students to assess their skills with weekly tests.

I'm writing a bunch of code 27/7 😅.

Also, I finally started filming my first YouTube videos, already got 3 filmed and edited, so will share a new video with you NEXT WEEK!

So summer is quite productive, but not as productive as I wish it to be, so need to work harder.

But don't think that I never rest 😅, for example, yesterday I finished watching the new season of "The Boys" and "House of Dragons".

Both seem to have a pretty slow pace, so hopefully next season will be more proactive.

Hope you enjoyed the email, and got some motivation and new ideas.

See you next week!

Best regards,

Andrew "Programmer and Businessman" Zacker

Andrew Zacker

From barista to Frontend Developer in 5 months. I'm helping beginners to start a career in IT and developers to make more money.

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